Saturday, April 16, 2005

I had a friend email me asking me to write an update....the problem with writing an update is there is little to update on, unless you are interested in how many times a week I go to Wal-mart or what tv show currently has me hooked. Regardless of how uninteresting I am, here goes an update....

Another week down and less than six weeks until I leave Richmond. I am very eager to get to Texas!
So it is yet another Saturday with nothing to do. Or maybe it is another Saturday with no motivation to do anything.
I went to DC this week with Paige and Deanna. Deanna was flying out of Dulles for a trip home and so Paige and I "volunteered" to take her to the airport. But we did not so much mind taking her because we got to go shopping all day before dropping her off at the airport.
As I am typing this I am listening to Jimmy Buffett and James Taylor. The result--it makes me wish I were on the beach.
Well, that is all I can stand to type for now...this music is making me get cabin fever and I am gonna head outside for a while. Stay tuned........

Paige and I at Deanna's birthday party. Paige and I met in Zambia.


Anonymous said...

Feel free to tell put in a good word to Paige a/b your favorite "weren't" ;o)

Ashley said...

I will absolutely put in a good word for you to a year from now when she turns 18!!
I guess I could have clarified how exactly I know her. When I was in Zambia, her parents would invite us over for dinner frequently. She was only 14 the first time I met her.
I will spare you the humiliation and not go into any Mary-Kate and Ashley jokes on here. Good thing you didn't leave your name b/c that could have been embarrassing, "Mikey".
I am sure no one but me will be able to figure out who you are. And besides, who really reads this anyway.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the clarefication there terd!

Anonymous said...

i miss ashley!!