Hi, there! It's me. No, we have not fallen off the face of the earth, but rather are slowly emerging from the fog of babyhood and being first-time parents. Our sweet baby girl is already CRAWLING. YES. I. SAID. CRAWLING! As you can imagine, so much has happened over the span of the last 8.5 months. I won't bore you with too many details, but I would like to gush about our babe.
She is a delight. Perfect in every way. Our pediatrician even told us so. Unfortunately for you there will be no photo evidence in this post since I am using someone else's computer. Also, don't expect another post anytime soon since we are kicking it old school circa 1998 and do not have internet service at our house. Yes, people like us do exist. And, we don't have a dvr. Or cable. Ok, now collect your thoughts and let's move on to LOTTIE!
What's that? You thought her name was Charlotte? Well, it is. As stated in the previous post, Our daughter's name is Charlotte Joy. Lottie is our sweet-name for her. For those who do not know, we named her after
Lottie Moon (whose name is Charlotte). Yes, we are trying to stay in good standing with the southern baptist convention and the international mission board. i jest, but seriously, if you know either one of us, you know the signifigance...and we also pray that our Lottie would be as bold as her namesake and would develop a selfless love for all of God's people. Her middle name, Joy, is rather self-explanatory. We were indecisive about her middle name until she was about 5 hours old. We were experiencing indescribable joy just by holding her. The decision was pretty easy at that point. If you are curious, Brookes (my middle name), was the other option.
I am not sure what our monkey's stats are, but she has a 9 month dr's visit in a couple of weeks. I do know that she is putting on some serious weight, my back can tell. Charlotte was born with darkish hair, sort of brown. But all of that has fallen out and is now a beautiful blond. Looks like the redhead gene might have skipped her. Her eyes are still blue so we are thinking they will stay that way. She is at a very fun age. She fake coughs and laughs for attention and can clap, give high five, and offers wet open-mouth kisses. her father is tickled to no end because she seems to have a big interest in books and reading. I am equally ecstatic over her love of dvd's/tv, avocado's, and most food in general. This is a multi-talented girl. Charlotte may look like us, but she has an extroverted personality like some of her other relatives (I'm looking at you, aunt b!). Her dad and I tend to stay in the introverted end of the pool. speaking of pools, Lottie is a lover of swimming and baths! you have never seen such splashing!
well, this love-fest must come to a close b/c I am keeping others awake. Hopefully the next post will have pics!