Sunday, November 23, 2003

They say it's your birthday........
I'd like to first start out my wishing my wonderful older sister a happy birthday today!! Happy Birthday, Brandi! I know you are gonna kill me for putting this picture here but it is the only one I have of you. Just remember what's really important is Proverbs 31:30. Thanks for being my big sissy and always being protectful (is that a word?) of me! LYLASDNQ (i know you have to be smiling now)!!!!!
love, your ashey books!

sorry the picture is so dark and blury. this was taken before i figured out how to work my flash.

Well, looks like I am gonna be out of town again for a few days. Fellow journeyman, Alan Parish, and I will be traveling down to Livingstone to meet up with a friend of ours that we met at orientation a year ago. Our friends name is Amy and what a great gal she is! Not only am I looking forward to leaving Lusaka for a few days but I am also looking forward to seeing a familiar face (and fellow red-head). Amy lives in Lesotho and works as the nurse at the Beautiful Gate Orphanage. For more information about Amy and her work in Lesotho you can check out or go to . Ok, quick geograpy lesson....Lesotho (Le-soo-too) is a tiny country completely surrounded by another country, South Africa.
I will arrive back in Lusaka sometime on the 26, just in time for Thanksgiving. When i come back the guesthouse will be overrun with people. For Thanksgiving all the folks in the mission (nearly 100 of us) will come to town to celebrate together. I am looking forward to it because I will have two roomates for a few days. The Kasama journeygirls will be staying at my house. So I look forward to talking with Carrie and Jill and catching up on their lives and ministry in Kasama. It will be great not to be the only girl around.

This picture was taken well over a year ago in Virginia. From left to right you have me, Kim (most people reading this might know her), Abby, and Amy.

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